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Chongqing City Drainage (Storm Water) Plan

Drainage plan for Chongqing central city (around 400 km2) based on drainage technology guidelines from Construction Department and the character of this mountain city. Engineering and non-engineering solutions were combined to meet the requirements of 50-year return period storm water.

Complete the drainage system simulation models for 16 basins in the central city of Chongqing (300 km2 approximately) and 6 basins in the suburbs (100 km2 approximately) based on the comprehensive consideration of the interactive influence of drainage systems and river hydraulics, coupled simulation of the underground pipe drainage network and surface flooding. Assess the drainage capacity of the pipe network, identification of bottlenecks causing waterlogging and limitations of the current system. Analysis the urban flood levels and potential risks. Gain a clear understanding of the entire system and assist in the formulation of engineering and non-engineering measures to effectively manage the challenges associated with the 50-year return rainfall event.

Rainwater Zone and Hydraulic Models.