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Drainage system model and forecasting and early warning system of Shanghai PD area

Project Background and Objectives

Lingang New Area, part of the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Pilot Zone, is located in southeastern Shanghai. It is strategically positioned between Pudong International Airport to the north and the Yangshan International Hub Port to the south, making it a key node in Shanghai's coastal corridor. Spanning 873 km2, the area is planned to become an international free trade port, a globally innovative hub, and a vibrant city suitable for living and working. This project aims to develop hydraulic models and forecasting systems for the sewerage and stormwater systems in the Lingang New Area to ensure water security for urban development.

Main Services

Sewerage Modeling Build

·   Develop a hydraulic model covering an area of approximately 320 km2, encompassing sewer networks and pump station facilities.

·  Analyze pump station performance under various conditions, identify operating water levels and flow characteristics during dry and wet seasons, and assist in external water analysis and mixed investigation of rain and pollution.

Sewerage System Early Warning and Forecast

·   Integrate real-time monitoring data of network and pump station water levels and flows with rainfall forecasts to drive real-time simulation and calculation within the model.

·    Forecast network water levels and outflow, issue early warnings for high-water overflow areas, and predict sewage flow into treatment plants to assist in management and operations.

Rainwater Modelling and Flood Forecast

·    Construct a 1D/2D coupled hydraulic model for the service area of 17 major rainwater pumping stations.

·   Assess the operation capacity of the drainage system, identify flood-prone areas and water depth distributions, and evaluate flood risk to support flood prevention and drainage efforts.

Web Application System Development

·   Develop a web-based application system that integrates monitoring data and model results.

·   Enable real-time understanding of operational characteristics and provide decision-making assistance for scheduling operations with forecasting and early warning capabilities.