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Pudong District Dynamic Flood Forecast and Early Warning System, Shanghai, China

Project Background and Objectives

Pudong district, located in the eastern part of Shanghai covers an area of 1400km2 and a population of 5.8 million. Recognized as China's first free trade experimental zone, Pudong is rapidly evolving into a modern city and a world-class tourist destination. The region boasts a well-developed river network and a complex pipeline system. It hosts industrial hubs such as aircraft assembly, heavy equipment manufacturing, and the Tesla Gigafactory. Due to its unique geographical location, Pudong is susceptible to the influences of wind, storms, and tides, highlighting the critical importance of flood warning systems for ensuring area safety.

Ewaters joint with Deltares developed a dynamic flood forecasting and early warning system for the Pudong New Development Area, covering 2,100 km2. The system utilized the Mike 11 and InfoWorks CS pipe models to construct the offline model, which was then converted to the Sobek models. Additionally, 1D+2D coupling models were developed for two urban pilot areas within the region.

This system integrated real-time hydrometeorological data and hydraulic models of the river network and key areas. It enabled real-time analysis of water and rainfall conditions and online flood risk simulation and assessment, enhancing flood management and forecasting capabilities.

Main Services

Platform framework development. Designing data standards, interfaces, and processes; managing temporal and spatial information; developing dynamic displays and online monitoring data access.

Embedding river network models. Constructing hydrological and hydraulic coupling models and integrating them into the platform for real-time and historical simulation.

Developing key drainage area models. Creating a two-dimensional hydraulic model for a 22 km2 area in Lujiazui (Pudong’s financial center) to simulate inundation scenarios and assess waterlogging risks.

Service Delivery and Timeline

The forecast results were released through a web platform, ensuring easy access and usability for end users. The platform provides: 1) real-time monitoring data for rainfall, tide levels, and water levels, along with warning statuses; 2) forecast simulation results, including rainfall and tide information, river network water levels and flow, and the status and risk levels of the pipe network area. These features enable stakeholders to make informed decisions before, during, and after flood events, ensuring timely and accurate flood management.

The project was delivered on time and met high-quality standards. We provided additional features like enhanced simulations and improved user interfaces upon client request, demonstrating our commitment to exceeding expectations. After the system acceptance, Ewaters secured four continuous technical support and maintenance contracts. Now the system was transferred to the client and maintained by themselves.

Figure 1 Overall Pudong New Development Area Dynamic Flood Forecast and Early Warning system

Figure 2 Forecast of 2D urban flood extents with depths info-pilot area