Project Background and Objectives
The Tangxun Lake basin in Wuhan City covers an area of approximately 458 km2 and is characterized by a plain river network with interlacing river channels. The region contains six major regulating and storage lakes: Tangxun Lake, Nanhu Lake, Yezhi Lake, Huangjia Lake, Qingling Lake, and Yehu Lake. These lakes are interconnected through Xunsi River, Qingling River, Shilichang Canal, Nanhu Connecting Canal, and Tangxun Lake intake port, forming an integrated river and lake system network.
During the flood season, due to the high water level of the Yangtze River, the drainage of the entire basin primarily relies on river and lake regulation and the terminal pumping station. Given the extensive and complex drainage system, the aging of existing facilities, and the increased runoff resulting from rapid urbanization, the pressure on flood control and drainage in this basin is increasing daily, raising higher demands for flood risk management.
In today's era of vast information, advanced software technology, and growing management needs, large cities increasingly require the integration of information and technical processes. Ewaters undertook the development of a flood control and drainage management platform to assist the city in flood control decision-making and major infrastructure project planning.
Main Services:
Data process system development. Unified the management of meteorological and rainfall data, river network water conditions, and pump station operational information using the system platform, standardizing and integrating dispersed data sources.
Rainfall conditons assessment. Provided real-time assessment of meteorological monitoring and forecasted rainfall conditions, including dynamic distribution and changes in rainfall intensity and total volume over time and space.
Water condition assessment. Evaluate the overall risk situation of the water system and providing dynamic early warnings based on changes in water conditions based on river network monitoring,
Water system model build. Develop river and lake system models integrated with major drainage pipelines for the entire basin.
Water system forecast. Conduct online computations of water system model based on forecasted rainfall. This helps in forecasting the dynamic risk situation of the entire water system and supports emergency drainage scheduling decisions.
Figure 1 Water system in Tangxun lake basin