Flood Risk Map

From the practice at home and abroad, flood risk maps are based on scientific calculations and analysis, intuitively expressing complex flood risk factors in graphical language. They are widely used in flood control planning, flood management, flood evacuation and rescue, land use management, flood insurance, public flood risk awareness education, and other aspects, serving as an important scientific basis for flood management.

Functions of the Flood Risk Map

Understanding Risks:

Accurately evaluate the flood inundation range, affected objects, and extent in cities and regions, helping you fully grasp potential threats.

Strategic Planning:

Identify system limitations, support regional planning, land use analysis, insurance evaluation, and flood risk management strategy formulation, helping you plan ahead.

Enhancing Communication:

Convey flood risk information in a highly visual way, enhancing stakeholders' understanding and participation, and improving flood defense and disaster resilience.

Ewaters Provides Nationwide Flood Risk Maps

Ewaters is committed to providing comprehensive flood risk assessments for cities across the country through advanced technological means, helping communities and enterprises make informed decisions. We have now launched extensive flood risk maps for Chinese cities and hope to attract more customers through this innovative achievement, providing them with high-quality flood management solutions.

·  30-meter resolution flood maps

·  River flood inundation and rainstorm runoff surface water inundation risk maps

·  Six recurrence periods' ranges and water depths

·  Ability to assess the impact of floods on important facilities such as medical and transportation stations under different recurrence periods

·  Further model optimization and refinement to accurately evaluate the flood inundation range, affected objects, and extent in cities and regions, helping you fully grasp potential threats

·  Upgradeable services for real-time warning systems. Combining periodic automatic updates and model technology, dynamically update risk maps, provide real-time flood warnings, and ensure you have enough time to take preventive measures and mitigate disaster impacts

Schematic diagram of flood risk distribution in Hebei

Map of flood risk distribution in Fuyang area

Visualization and Analysis of Flood Risks

Using GIS Online and Power BI tools, we provide clear and detailed flood risk maps. These maps can:

·  Precise Flood Depth Analysis: Detailed maps show the flood depth in different areas, from less than 0.2 meters to over 3 meters. This fine-grained data helps identify vulnerable areas and effectively plan mitigation strategies.

·  Infrastructure Impact Assessment: Our visualization tools include pie charts and bar graphs, analyzing the impact of floods on buildings. Understand which areas and building types are most affected, thus achieving targeted and efficient risk management.

·  Multi-Scenario Planning: We provide risk assessments for various recurrence periods (RP20, RP50, RP100, RP200, RP500, RP1500). This enables stakeholders to plan for frequent and rare flood events, ensuring robust emergency preparedness.

Comprehensive and Customized Solutions

Our approach is not just about providing data but about offering actionable analysis functions. By using GIS Online and Power BI for detailed analysis and creating interactive visualizations, we can meet the specific needs of our customers.

Why Choose Ewaters?

·       Expert Knowledge: Our experienced team of hydrologists and engineers ensures that our assessments are scientific and practical.

·       Innovative Tools: We use the latest flood modeling and data visualization tools to provide clear, actionable insights.

·       Collaborative Approach: We believe in working closely with customers, understanding their unique challenges, and providing customized solutions

Immediate Delivery, Quick Acquisition

All our flood risk maps are ready for immediate delivery and use. These maps provide significant value to every customer:

·       Value and Importance: Through our flood risk maps, customers can clearly understand flood risk areas, make scientific decisions, and protect communities and infrastructure. These maps offer valuable data support for urban planning, disaster prevention and mitigation, and emergency management.

·       Affordable and Quick Access: Our maps are not only affordable but also quickly delivered. Customers can quickly access the necessary data and start using it immediately, saving time and costs.

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