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Flood Risk

Affected by the dual impact of global climate change and human activities, the frequency, scale, and impact of urban flooding disasters are increasingly intensifying, posing a serious threat to the safety of people's lives and property, urban infrastructure, ecological environment, and economic development. Urban flooding has become a daunting challenge in China's urbanization process. 

With vast territory and diverse topography, China experiences frequent natural disasters. Statistics show that more than 70% of China's cities and over 50% of its population are located in high-risk areas prone to meteorological, seismic, geological, and marine disasters. According to the 2020 Global Natural Disaster Assessment Report, flooding accounts for the highest proportion, at 56.8%, of the affected population due to various natural disasters in China. 

The creation of a safe and livable urban environment relies on meticulous planning, construction, operation, and management. Despite the substantial resources invested by the water conservancy and construction departments in flood control, drainage, and sponge city construction over the past decade, many urban areas still suffer from frequent flooding. According to media reports in 2023, approximately 100 cities in China experienced flooding that year, with severe floods in Hebei and Beijing garnering widespread attention. In April-May 2024, the southern region experienced a once-in-a-century massive basin flood. 

Adhering to the principle of scientific and technological innovation, Yishui Environment continuously explores and applies advanced technological means to cope with urban flood risks. Since 2023, we have been collecting and compiling daily reports of flooding events from official media sources and have created urban flood event maps. Additionally, we utilize technologies such as GIS Online and Power BI to provide clear and detailed flood risk maps, and we have developed interactive and actionable flood risk platforms. We aspire to collaborate with various partners to enhance flood risk management and promote industry development. 

To vividly showcase our solutions, we provide classic case studies demonstrating our engineering practices and achievements in urban flood management. These materials will help readers gain a more intuitive understanding of our technologies and accomplishments, thereby enhancing confidence and stimulating interest in collaboration.